Category: Research Spotlight

College Students vs. Mathematics: Why the Difficulties?

Anytime along a student’s travels through school, difficulties in math can arise for a variety of reasons that might include math-specific and other cognitive problems, lack of motivation, socioeconomic barriers and educational factors. Now...

Computer Science Professor Makes Security Cameras Smarter

Shishir Shah, a Computer Science professor, has received a grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Public Safety Innovation Accelerator Program to research ways in which to create “smart” security systems that...

Grasping for New Technology

Tianxiao Jiang, a Ph.D. candidate studying under Dr. Nuri Ince, has decoded how the brain communicates with the hand to grasp something.  His research paper, which can be found here, was selected as a...

Dr. Johanna Bick Featured on KHOU News

  Dr. Johanna Bick was featured in the report to comment on potential setbacks that the children will face in the coming years due to their forced confinement in a home.  An Assistant Professor of...

Ilknur Telkes Receives Prestigious NANS Grant

TIMES would like to recognize Ilknur Telkes and her advisor, Dr. Nuri Ince, for receiving the Junior Scientist Award from the North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS). This award is given annually and will give...

Fox 26 Report Featuring Dr. Candice Alfano

Link:   HOUSTON (FOX 26) – We all come into this world needing to sleep more than we need to be awake. By the age of 5, a child has spent as much time asleep as...