UH Researchers Awarded $1.7M to Examine Academic Outcomes for Adolescent Immigrant Youth

A $1.7 million grant will fund a UH study into the challenges adolescent immigrant students face when entering U.S. schools for the first time
Researchers at the University of Houston have received a $1.7 million grant to investigate the unique challenges adolescent immigrant students face when entering U.S. schools for the first time, and to develop reading interventions to accelerate their literacy.
Project LISTO (Longitudinal Investigation for Successful Transitions and Outcomes), funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences, will be the largest study of academic outcomes for adolescent immigrant English learners ever conducted.
Jeremy Miciak, associate research professor of psychology at UH’s Texas Institute for Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics (TIMES), will lead the four-year project. For years, he and his team have studied English learners – students who speak a language other than English at home and who have to learn English at schools – but this is the first time they will study immigrant English learners who enter schools in later grades, like middle school and high school.